Tuesday 1 December 2009

Scary tits

Last weekend i was ringing birds at my feeder (Stargard Szczecinski). I caught standards like: Great Tits (Parus major), Blue Tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) and Greenfinches (Carduelis chloris). Two of great tits looked scary, first had a big tick on the neck and second large scab on the head (ringed 2 years earlier in the same place).

fot. Marcin Sowa - trapped birds

fot. Marcin Sowa - Great tit with tick

fot. Marcin Sowa


Sildenafil Citrate said...

I have to be honest with you...when I read the title scary tits, I was a little startled, I mean the word tits came to my mind and I thought something else maybe because I'm a guy, but hen I saw the pictures and read your post that is very nice!

Muffin Recipes said...

Very nice post